KAEBUP Final Event / 3rd CyNUM Regional Conference
Joint Conference
From urban research to planning and design: strengthening cooperation between academia and practice.
6-9 December 2023 – Nicosia, Cyprus
31 January 2023: Abstract Submissions
The Department of Architecture of the University Cyprus is delighted to host the final event of the Knowledge Alliance for Evidence-Based Urban Practices (KAEBUP) project in conjunction with the 3rd Regional Conference of the Cyprus Network of Urban Morphology (CyNUM), on 6th-9th December 2023 in Nicosia, Cyprus.
The event presents a great opportunity to bring together academics and practitioners from both the private and public sectors to exchange knowledge and explore ways of strengthening collaboration in the fields of architecture, urban design and planning
Important Dates
28 February 2023: Notification of Abstract Acceptance
31 May 2023: Full Paper Submissions (obligatory)
30 June 2023: Notifications of Paper Acceptance
31 July 2023: Early-Bird Registration Deadline
30 November 2023: Standard Registration Deadline
6-9 December 2023: Conference